First Aid

First Aid
List: Miscellaneous
Cost: 2
Skill Type: Miscellaneous
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill can be used to heal a living character that is Bleeding to Death. The character places two free hands on the target character and calls “First Aid” and begins a 1 minute count. Once a character starts to use this skill the target character’s Death Count stops. After the 1 minute count, the character is Unconscious at 0 Body Points and after 5 minutes will regain consciousness and be at 1 Body Point. Also, this skill can be used to wake up a character that is Unconscious and has more than 1 Body Point. The character should place a free hand on the target character and begin a 1 minute count. No Body Points are restored when using the First Aid Skill in this manner.

A character can only be first aided by one character at a time and a character can only first aid one character at a time. The use of this skill requires the character to concentrate while they are using this skill. The player should look at the character they are using this skill on and can only talk, invoke Latent spells, or use a Dodge skill while first aiding someone. If the use of this skill is interrupted by either taking damage or the character choosing to stop, the target character must resume their Death Count. If the character wishes to try to first aid again, they must start from the beginning.

A character can also use this skill to assess the condition of another character. The character places a free hand on the target character, says “First Aid Assess” and takes a 5 second count. Once the character starts to assess the condition of the target character, and if that character is Bleeding to Death, their Death Count stops. The character using this skill will learn what stage their Death Count is at and how many Body Points the target character is down.

This skill cannot be used to heal characters who are Mortally Wounded or at the Brink of Death.

A character can choose to use a real bandage when using this skill. The bandage is in-game, does not have to be purchased, must be white, and must be larger than 2 feet by 3 inches. The character must either have their hand on the target character or be bandaging to use this skill. If the character uses a bandage, the time it takes for the target character to wake up is cut in half – only taking 2½ minutes. Once the target character wakes up, the bandages are no longer needed and can be removed or returned to the first-aider to re-use.

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